Success Stories

After running several half marathons I was experiencing a significant level of back pain. Although my doctor sent me to physical therapy, it did not provide relief and I continued to have back pain - especially when exercising. My husband referred me to Angelo and 360 Optimal Health as he was currently having great results on their program. I had been working with a trainer for several years, but 360's approach was completely different than most trainers. It included addressing not only my back pain and fitness goals, but also the nutritional support and supplements that were customized for my age, gender and daily energy needs. After only 4 weeks into the 360 90 Day Program, I was able to see incredible results. My back pain was relieved and I lost over 2.5 % body fat and gained lean muscle in the areas I wanted it. My clothes fit better, I had more energy and looked and felt amazing!
Working with 360 takes commitment, but their level of knowledge, understanding and support are outstanding. I feel like at the age of 43 that I am in the best overall shape and health I have been in my life and could not imagine getting there without the guidance and accountability. I would highly recommend anyone who is ready to make significant changes in their health and well-being to contact 360 Optimal Health today!
Linda Perry, Integrative Life CoachChicago, IL.

As an athlete, performance on the field is my number one priority. While working with Angelo and applying the 360 methods of quality versus quantity to my workouts, I have seen immediate gains in my strength, stronger tackles and more dynamic movement in games.
Angelo's ability to assess and correct my muscle imbalances has allowed me to be able to train pain free and give me the edge over my competition.
Cristina Mastrangelo, USA Women's Rugby TeamChicago, IL.

I had hip surgery about a year before I started coming to 360 to see Angelo for MAT and ARP. I had continued to see a physical therapist and do follow ups with my doctor, but I still needed a cane to climb stairs even though an entire year had past. I also couldn't drive a car at all. After about a month of working with Angelo I didn't need my cane anymore. That's including to get up the four flights of stairs to my apartment after a long day at work! My coworkers started telling me how much better I was looking and that I seemed to have “ the spring back in my step,” which was huge since I had barely been able to do the one flight of stairs to walk my students to recess for an entire school year.
The thing that I like best about working with Angelo and 360 is that they explains the rationale behind what they are doing. Previously I would have been prescribed exercises or be told what to do, but I didn't really know why I would have pain some days more than others or what exactly my exercises were helping me to accomplish. Angelo has also helped me identify imbalances and then gave me the exercises to correct them. He also helped me pick out shoeswhich are much better for my hip and my back. It's amazing how much less sore I am when I wear the right shoes! I would tell people that are on the fence about starting, that I went from using a cane to being able to drive for hours at time! I highly recommend Angelo and the 360 Team
Kate Reynolds, TeacherChicago, IL

Angelo and his 360 team are masters at creating individualized science based programs that can put you on the fast track to health and wellness. I highly recommend 360 Optimal Health and their comprehensive programs.
Robert A. Rakowski, DC, CCN, DACBN, DIBAK Clinic Director, The Natural Medicine CenterHouston, TX

I came to 360 with adrenal fatigue. They suggested a saliva test and to keep a food journal while customizing my workout program. What happened next was near magical. I took the supplements as recommended. I committed to the exercise program as instructed and followed Angelo's professional counsel. Within a month, my energy came back, my body strengthened and my overall vitality and health returned.
This was a life changer for me and I can't thank 360 enough for creating a unique, structured and powerful system to bring people to a state of optimal health and fitness. The 360 methods are simple, powerful and proven. That is what I like best about working with true professionals, the results speak for themselves. Trust the system, Do exactly what they say for 90 days and let your body be the barometer. I have worked with many different professionals in the physical training world and Angelo and the 360 team stand out as “best in class.”
Todd Sinelli, Speaker/AuthorDallas, TX

I have been training in and teaching Jiu jitsu and Hapkido for over 25 years and during that time I have had reocurring shoulder injuries. I have been to Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Sports Medicine doctors and just about anyone else that claimed to have a treatment for my rotator cuff injuries. The lack of results were very disappointing. When I was introduced to Angelo and 360, I had about the same amount of confidence as I did with all of the other treatments I had tried.
In 6 visits with Angelo, the pain from my shoulders were eliminated and the range of motion dramatically increased. He showed me simple corrective exercises that have virtually eliminated the shoulder issues that I have had for so many years. 360's methods are by far the most effective that I have experienced for sports injuries and chronic pain.
Mark Daley, Founder/Owner Copa JiuJitsu - Carlson Gracie TeamChicago, IL.

Im very impressed with Angelo's vast knowledge and unique training methods. Being a top fitness model it is imperative that I stay in peak shape. Angelo and 360 is one of the secrets that has helped me achieve my goals. By identifying my individual hormonal imbalances he has provided me with a customized training program that helps me stay lean year round!
TJ Hoban, Fitness Model / ActorLos Angeles, CA

When I hit 40, I was wrestling with the idea of giving up playing basketball, a sport I had loved and played since I was 7 years old. The increasing pain in both my achilles tendons and lower back were just getting too much to deal with, and I figured maybe I was just getting too old for the sport. Maybe I should just take up some low impact sport or exercise like Pilates or yoga. On a whim, I asked a friend if he knew anyone who could fix my achilles problems. He said he did, and introduced me to Angelo Kolettis founder of 360 Optimal Health.
When I first started seeing Angelo, I immediately knew the 360 program was going to be much more than I bargained for. We tackled nutrition, supplements, lifestyle and of course exercise that would target my imbalances and help my body heal. Almost immediately, I lost over 10 pounds and gained lean muscle mass. Using cutting edge technology and treatments, my back & achilles tendons started to improve and I was able to continue playing basketball. We worked on improving body mechanics and structural balance so my body could handle playing physical sports like basketball. Not only did I have less pain, but I was able to move better. Cuts were sharper. Endurance was off the charts. It was almost as if I had turned the clock back about 10 years.
What sets Angelo and 360 apart from almost everyone else is that he knows how to optimize workouts and treatments to achieve maximal results in a small amount of time. As a dad over 40 with two small children, I don't have much time to get to the gym more than a couple times a week. Yet, I have continued to improve month after month. In fact, last summer, at age 42, I was able to dunk for the first time since my mid 20's!
Improved athletic performance is great and all, but what is really exciting is that I now know how to be healthy, strong and lean. I will be able to keep up with my kids as they grow. I will be able to play sports, be active, travel and do things I probably wouldn't have been able to do if I had continued on the path I was on.
Rarely do you find someone who is cutting edge enough to work with pro and Olympic athletes, yet also loves to work with CEOs, executives and families to get the most out of life. By following 360's recommendations, I have achieved results beyond my expectations. It is my distinct pleasure to give Angelo and the 360 team my highest recommendation.
Jim Siwek, Co-founder MaxEmail - Internet Fax & VoicemailChicago, IL.

I have been working with Angelo Kolettis for over 16 years now. During that time, I have seen Angelo have a commitment to improve his knowledge that few would compare. Over the years, my goals have varied from athletic performance, increasing lean muscle, reducing stress, rehabbing injuries and finally improving my health through helping me overcome adrenal fatigue and low testosterone.
Angelo has been able to meet all of my changing goals. He has become my most trusted source for understanding what is going on within my body. I have referred him to several other friends of mine and have seen Angelo help them overcome back pain, shoulder injuries, and weight loss.
At this point in Angelo's career, I would rank him up with any trainer in the world at any cost. I believe anyone who gets to benefit from Angelo's services will agree with me.
Chuck Whitman, Founder/CEO Whitman Asset ManagementChicago, IL

I had recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, and after a follow-up with my doctor and a meeting with a dietitian, I still had a lot of questions and was not feeling healthy. I was referred to 360 Optimal Health by a friend who was having great success on their 90 Day Program. I began seeing 360 for help with nutrition and healing my gut, then started the 90 day program with Angelo as well. I had worked out with several other trainers in the past, but nobody came close to 360's optimal health approach, or understanding what exercises work best to strengthen my imbalances so I could exercise pain-free.The results were almost instant, Increased energy, decreased body fat, pain and anxiety. Tons of useful knowledge about how my body really works, how to eat, exercise and live a healthy and balanced life.
360's approach to health and nutrition makes so much sense to me, and the workouts are always challenging and effective. Every aspect of the program is tailored specifically to me. 360 Optimal Health is “one-stop shopping” for all of your health and fitness needs. Their core methods and philosophy are the foundation, but they have many different techniques and methods to address all kinds of health issues and fitness challenges. Working with Angelo and the 360 team requires commitment, and a radical change in the way I thought about health and nutrition, but the payoff has been well worth it. At first I thought I would just work with 360 for a couple of months while I got healthy again, but they have become my all-around health coach. The 360 team keeps me accountable and gets me back on track when I fall off the wagon. I highly recommend working with 360 to achieve all your health and fitness goals.
Kris Nielsen, Energetic MomChicago, IL.
I was in a bad car accident at the age of 17 and my whiplash turned into a diagnosis of Myofacial Pain Syndrome and eventually Fibromyalgia. I was very depressed and angry at the person that hit me because of the everyday pain I endured and wanted at times to end it all. I went through months of physical therapy that consisted of trigger point injection shots, shock therapy and ultra-sound therapy. Nothing worked and the physical therapist doctor then handed me off to the chiropractor. After months of being adjusted and trying to ease the pain, I was referred to an Acupuncturist and then eventually onto a massage therapist. After four years of trial and error, I was admitted to the Northwestern Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago where people who suffer from chronic pain are fed anti-depressants every other day for four weeks. At this point, I was in a vicious cycle of pain and drugged up everyday to live my life “pain free”. The pain was somewhat controlled, but now I am dealing with an addiction to anti-depressants that no longer help, but fight against my body.
I decided to try one last route before I would throw in the towel and that was 360 Optimal Health. For almost 10 years, I have been reaching for the pain killers, losing sleep, depressed over pain that makes you so uncomfortable you can't sit, stand, lie down, or function as a normal person. The 360 90 day program has changed my approach to dealing with my chronic pain and I am happy and proud to say after my sessions with Angelo that addressed my neuromuscular imbalances, I have been able to stop taking painkillers, anti-depressants, and out of my vicious cycle of pain. I am so much stronger and happier than I can ever remember. My energy is as high as it was when I was in high school and I now crave to do all the athletic activities I had to give up at the age of 17. I now can appreciate and understand my condition and the ways I can deal with it to work in my favor. Angelo and 360 has turned my life around, my pain is now controlled, and I can now focus my energy on the things that really count in life!
Susan G.San Francisco, CA.